Phrasal verbs-work work work

Many common English idioms, phrases, and proverbs include the word work. Read through some of my favorites and see if you can follow.BeforeWorkAfterWork

Work (one’s way) into something

Meaning # 1: To slowly get into a space that is small and tight.

The glue gradually worked its way into the crack in the table

Meaning # 2: To slowly get more deeply involved in something.

Soon, I’ll work my way into my confusing new position at my job. It’s a difficult job, but I’ll get it.

Work (one’s way) through something.the-graduate

Meaning # 1: To earn money to put yourself through some kind of advanced education.

Sue worked her way through law school as a bartender.

Meaning # 2: To figure out something complicated. Confused

I worked through the detailed application process slowly.

Meaning # 3: To struggle with some emotional or physical pain.

Andy had to work through his crippling depression after his wife died.

After I broke my ankle, I had to work through six months of grueling physical therapy.

All in a day’s work. Clock. 24/7 avaliable.

Meaning: This phrase is used when describing typical or normal tasks that are to be expected in a run-of-the-mill day.

When I became a mother I knew that doing laundry and washing dishes would be all in a day’s work.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Bored-office-worker

Meaning: This proverb makes it clear that it is not healthy or wise for a person to work all the time and never take the time to relax.

Wayne shouldn’t work too many overtime hours. He should remember that all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Go/ run like clockwork. run-like-clockwork

Meaning: To happen exactly as planned; to progress dependably and consistently.

The subway system in Seoul, South Korea runs like clockwork.

Many hands make light work.HANDS

Meaning: This proverb tells us that if everyone helps with a large task, the project will be completed quicker and it will be easier for everyone in the long run.

Let’s all help to clean up Marsha’s house after the big party – many hands make light work, after all!

Throw a monkey wrench into the works. monkey_wrench

Meaning: To cause a problem in a plan.

When my application for a mortgage got declined, that really threw a monkey wrench into the works of my house hunting plans.

The devil finds work for idle hands. devil

Meaning: Inactive or lazy people are more likely to do things they should not.

If you’re bored, you should find something constructive to do, because the devil finds work for idle hands.


Vocabulary Word


diligence persistent effort to complete a task.
gradually little by little; slowly
crippling causing injury; damaging
grueling exhausting; very tiring
dull uninteresting; causing boredom
wise wise decisions and actions are sensible and based on good judgment
dependable capable of being relied on
mortgage a loan of money to buy a home
idle not active; unemployed
constructive something that is useful
Note: I have adapted this  lesson from lesson plans I use with my students live online. Classes are 50 minutes long and can be done 1-1 or in small groups. For more information please visit my website

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